The History of Harmony Lodge No.1

Harmony Lodge has a historical background of great significance to all Masons in Florida and to all who have the sense of history and heritage and the awareness of Masonic Heritage. It has been said many times that Harmony Lodge was the first Masonic Lodge to be established in Florida among men of color. Harmony was not the first Lodge of colored men in Florida but was the first Lodge among Colored men established in Jacksonville.

Harmony Lodge was established under the Masonic authority of the Most Worshipful Hiram Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania by Charles F. Daily. Brother Charles Daily was Deputy Grand Master of that Lodge. He was born in St. Thomas, West Indies and came to the United States about 1840. As an exporter of fruit between various towns in such as Jacksonville, Key West, Ferandina, and Pensacola; while working under the authority of the Most Worshipful Hiram Grand Lodge he established six lodges in the state of Florida. The lodges were Solomon #50 Monticello, Saint Luke #51 at Pensacola, Mount Moriah #4 at Key West. These lodges were chartered March 2, 1866. Harmony Lodge #53, Prince Hall Lodge #54 at Jacksonville, and Island City #55 at Fernandina were issued warrants or charters January 17, 1868.

On June 17, 1870 Brother Daily called a Masonic Convention, calling all lodges in the state to meet in Jacksonville, Florida. The purpose of the meeting was to form and establish a Grand Lodge in Florida. The Grand Lodge was elected and installed and all lodges were chartered. Harmony Lodge was given number one. The first Grand Master of Florida was also the first Worshipful Master of Harmony Lodge #1, the Rev. H.H. Thompson. Bro. Emanuel Fortune the first Treasure of was a member of Harmony #1. The original Charter of Harmony Lodge was lost and a duplicate Charter was issued. The names on the original Charter were H.H. Thompson, G.M., R.E. Robinson, D.G.M, Robert Smith, G.S.W., James Roberts, G.J.W., and F.H. Dunkins, G. Sec.

The duplicate charter was issued in 1876 and carries these names, John R. Scott, G.M. Abram Grant, D.G.M., J.H. Armstronge, G.S.W., J.D. Thompson, G.J.W., James J. Forbes, G.Sec. Harmony Lodge #1 has this charter in their possession. Harmony Lodge bought land and built a temple at Julia and Orange St. in Jacksonville, Florida. The Grand Lodge held its annual communications in this Temple in 1883, 1885, 1888, and 1890. The Jacksonville lodges grew so fast the Temple could no longer meet their needs. The lodges bought land and built the Temple at 410 Broad Street. Harmony #1 sold their property in 1920 and began to meet at 410 Broad Street